In Denmark, the most frequently reported workplace injury from office workers is psychological problems, such as stress and depression. Read more about nature's positive effect on mental health here.
Nature reduces pain
The results show that having access to and being exposed to green areas can reduce pain
Source: Jessica Stanhope et al. “Exposure to Greenspaces Could Reduce the High Global Burden of Pain.”
Increase in poor mental health
Significantly more Danes score low on mental health. By 2021, there had been an increase of 7.4 percentage points since 2010 among people with a low score on the mental health scale.
Source: The National Board of Health - Danes' health - The National Health Profile 2021
Nature decreases the stress level
“Nature has a decreasing effect on stress levels. When the nature experience is between 20 and 30 minutes, you achieve the greatest decrease in stress level”
Source: Mary Carol R. Hunter et al. - Urban Nature Experiences Reduce Stress in the Context of Daily Life Based on Salivary Biomarkers
Increasing stress in society
Danes with a high score on the stress scale have increased by 8.3 percentage points in the period 2010 to 2021.
In 2010, the proportion of people with high stress levels was 20.8%, while in 2021 it had risen to 29.1%.
Source: The National Board of Health - The National Health Profile 2021
Nature has a positive effect on employee well-being
"Planned, intentional nature activities in the workplace, such as having a meeting while taking a short walk or taking a call outside, have positive effects on employees especially in relation to mental health"
Source: Gritzka, Susan et al. “The Effects of Workplace Nature-Based Interventions on the Mental Health and Well-Being of Employees”
Contact with nature benefits workplaces
Contact with nature at the workplace, such as landscape outside the windows, potted plants, sunlight and nature photographs, are healthy exposure. Increased contact with nature at the workplace can help to strengthen health-promoting efforts at the workplace.
Source: Largo-Wight, Erin et al. "Healthy Workplaces: The Effects of Nature Contact at Work on Employee Stress and Health."
Work activities outdoors provide well-being
“Outdoor work activities are associated with many positive experiences that contribute to a sense of well-being, recovery, autonomy, improved cognition, better communication and social relations, but also feelings of guilt and illegitimacy.
Of decisive importance were the managers' attitudes and the overall organizational culture around the idea of bringing office work outdoors."
Source: Petersson Troije, Charlotte et al. “Outdoor Office Work - An Interactive Research Project Showing the Way Out.”
Most reported occupational injury
Within the office and communications industry, mental illnesses such as stress, depression, anxiety and burnout are the most reported occupational injuries.
The second most reported occupational injury in Denmark among all employees is mental illness.
Source: Norwegian Working Environment Authority - Reported occupational diseases in tal
Nature is good for the body
Spending time in nature can lower blood pressure and stress hormone levels, reduce nervous system arousal, improve immune system function, increase self-esteem, reduce anxiety and improve mood.
Source: Mathew P. White et al. “Spending at least 120 minutes a week in nature is associated with good health and wellbeing”
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